Hack4OpenGLAM, 19–23 October

Hack4OpenGLAM is a 4-day culture hack for getting creative with Open Access cultural heritage. The event is arranged as part of the CC Global Summit virtual program, happening online 19–23 October, 2020.

More details here.

Any thoughts/ideas about Australian events?

If you’re looking for some inspiration, here’s some details of Australian GLAM data sources.

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Hi everyone!

While we’re setting up a web page that tells a bit more, you can have a look at this “flyer”. https://bit.ly/3icEsNu

There are calls once a week to discuss what could be done. The next one for Australian timezones will be next Monday, details can be found on the flyer.

Hope to see many of you in the calls and at the hackathon!

Susanna from Hack4OpenGLAM


Hack4OpenGLAM starts already next Monday! The growing projects dashboard is now available. There are many participatory projects to lend a hand to and there’s still space to propose your own project Sign up at https://summit.creativecommons.org/hack4openglam/

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