The Zotero translator for the National Archives of Australia’s online database RecordSearch has been updated! The translator automatically captures metadata from RecordSearch and saves it to your own research database.
- Capture metadata from single items, series, or photos
- Capture multiple items, series, or photos from search results
- Save photos from PhotoSearch
- Save digitised files as PDFs
- Save page images from the digitised file viewer
Captured item metadata and PDF
Captured series metadata
- Persistent links fixed after NAA website migration
- Item search results are now being correctly captured – previously only digitised files were being displayed for capture, and file titles weren’t being displayed
- PhotoSearch items and searches are being captured
- Series searches are being captured
- New metadata added to item captures including ‘Access status’ and ‘Access decision date’
- Automatic download of PDFs of digitised files
- New metadata added to series captures including ‘Location’ and ‘Number of items’
The updated translator should be installed when you restart Zotero, or you can go to Zotero > Preferences > Advanced and click on Update now. You might also need to restart your browser.
Report bugs or request enhancements below. The code is in the Zotero/translators repository.